Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Erosion Problems in Africa

Are there problems with soil erosion in America? Yes. But in Africa, the problems are much worse. Trust me. Here in the Cote d'Ivoire, there are no government programs to prevent erosion, so many of the most succeptible places of the rainforest here are being burned and left exposed to the elements. This entire place is a rainforest! It's beautiful, but I've seen too many areas that have been slash-and-burned. Too many centuries-old trees are being trucked down the road - its very saddening. But perhaps the saddest part of it all is that many people have no choice but to do this to survive. They must harvest enormous trees, or they have no way to survive themselves. What a tragic cycle.

So we should be thankful for the government programs in place in America. We should be glad that people care about preserving the land as well as the water. And we should promote even more good practces.